David Durham
David Durham brings a wealth of experience to the table, having lived seventeen years of his life outside the United States and served in various leadership capacities. Conversant in seven languages, David is passionate about the importance of an integrated world view, which directly informs his approach to education. Having served five years as Director of the Academy with his wife, Becky, Mr. Durham now teaches Spanish, French, and Global Studies, a course he and Becky designed. David also has an online school called World to the Wise Academy, consisting of his own proprietary curriculum also used in some of his Academy classes.
In 2010 The Durhams formed World to the Wise Cultural Tours and enjoy leading group tours to various places on the planet. David also has a podcast by the same name, where he and his guests explore adventures in crossing cultural bridges. They proudly claim three sons and six grandchildren, all of whom live in the Nashville area. Read more about Mr. Durham and his work at daviddurham.org.